Will my premium change as I get older? – No your premiums stay the same as you age.
Will my premium change if I terminate employment or retire? – No your premiums stay the same, you will have the option to take your policy with you and pay on a direct bill.
How long does this coverage protect me? – Until age 121
If I don’t enroll during this enrollment will I have to provide Evidence of Insurability to apply for this coverage? – Yes, the 2016 open enrollment will be the last opportunity for you to obtain this coverage with no medical questions or tests.
Where can I locate premium information? – When you log onto www.HCARewards.com to enroll, you will see the Voluntary Life w/LongTerm Care plan options specifically available to you and the after-tax premium cost for each option.
Can I elect coverage for my spouse and child(ren)? – Yes, spouse and child coverage options are available.
What happens if I terminate my employment or retire? – You can take this coverage with you and pay on a direct bill, with no increase of premiums.
Will I receive a certificate of coverage? – Yes, a certificate of coverage will be mailed to your home address.
What would qualify me to begin receiving Long Term Care benefits? – You must not be able to perform two of the six activities of daily living, for example be unable to feed yourself or dress yourself.
What are the six activities of daily living? – eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring(walking) and continence.
How will I designate a beneficiary? – When enrolling for this benefit at www.hcarewards.com, you will be provided directions on how to designate your beneficiary(ies).